Sunday 8 May 2011

Review-The World God Only Knows~S1.

Hello everyone!!
Yes, it's me Lauren, and I am back with a review!
For all those who have been waiting (and those who haven't) I will be reviewing an anime that is not very well known, but it is an anime none the less!
The World God Only Knows is about a boy named Keima, who is an ace at dating sims on his 'PFP'.
Keima stumbles upon a girl named Elsie(actually she was looking for him so..). She was sent from hell to look for 'The Divine One' a.k.a Keima. She tells him that she was sent to find him, as he would help her capture loose souls. Loose souls being souls that hide in people's body's who have a problem or don't think they are able to achieve something.
He is forced to help her, as she plants a purple collar on his neck, so if he doesn't help her, he'll die and so will she. (Yeah, that's a great way to solve anxiety Eh. ) Keima has to always 'outdo' himself to win the heart of 4 girls...
So so forth unfolds the funny, witty ,random story of Keima and Elsie.

I thought that this series of 13 episodes, was actually pretty good. I didnt expect the humor that would come out of the fact that Keima was only used to dating sim games, and had no sense with REAL girls, but as the series progresses, capturing looses souls gets harder, so he has to put his game up a bit. Even though Elsie is a little ditsy, and is no conparison to a devil or anything evil whatsoever, she still comes across as a flying girl o_o But I shall now stop blabbing and give you my rating.

6.75/10. :)
Place watched: Crunchyroll Application for I Pod touch/iPhone.
Signing off,
Lauren x <3

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