Sunday 8 May 2011

Introduction to Shalinn (But, you can call me Midget)

I see that Lauren's already introduced herself... As you can read, I am Shalinn, but you can call me Midget.
I am a BIG fan of anime, and I've been watching anime since I was six years old! Now, some of you readers may know me from my other blog, Beat That View.

Now my fellow readers, instead of bringing you guys coffee fixes, we will provide you with tons of anime fixes that will do the same job. As my fellow co-writer pointed out before, we will be providing you with anime reviews, updates, and EVERYTHING else!

And since Lauren and I are ALWAYS OBSESSED with Ikuto and Kyo, this will be a BIG PLUS for their fans.
We will constantly be talking about these fictional anime hotties.

Now, please, sit back, relax and absorb your DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY anime fix.

Signing off,

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