Monday 23 May 2011

I know, we're dead.

Please don't kill Shalinn and I...... We have been so busy with school and assignment(Hernie has given us THREE, yes I said THREE)so, there hasn't been much time for blogging. But now that Shalinn is raving over Toradora, she will hopefully post a review in the next week or so[No pressure!] Whereas I'll be posting a review on Fruits Basket.... I know it was gonna be Haruhi, but I promise I'll get around to that sometime soon. I've been to busy writing my fanfic in which I will publish when Shalinn comes to my house this Sunday....
Do read it, Shugo Chara Amuto; called The Art Of Love <3
oh oh and Shalinn has one too. Oh yeah!! Swapping With A Kiss[•=
Im blabbing now, sorry. But the real reason why I came was because I want YOU(Yes, you fellow school people who were forced to come and read our blog[Awesome right?]) to comment on a poll which I will be having. It's a like what's better thing. So here are the choices!!

Being a noob
Having a haircut like Ivan used to have......
Personally, I'd have to go with being a noob..... But, you decide.. X)

Monday 16 May 2011


I am so sorry, I havent posted in like, forever. But I TOTALLY agree with Shalinn. IKUTO IS A DREAM!!.
Just had to say that, we'll be back with an ikuto tribute soon! <3 U GUYS
Signing off,
Lauren xoxo

Sunday 15 May 2011

Shugo Chara Review

Today, I’ll be doing a review on the anime: Shugo Chara. I have to say that this anime did bring me heaps of pleasure! And it also made me VERY VERY aggravated. Because of the stupid character in it called Tadase or if I may call him: Tadagay. He is so ANNOYING! He’s even worse than Yuki in Fruits Basket or Mytho in Princess Tutu. Because he just kept popping up every time Amu and Ikuto were getting close. Anyway, Ikuto is SOO AWESOM E! So, in this anime, he is a 17 year old high schooler. And his “chara” is called Yoru and he is so adorable! So, apparently, he character changes into a cat-like figure. Kinda like Kyo, but he is NOT a cat... or is he? Anyway.... And the main character is a girl.... called Amu. She is supposedly, one of those cool, secretive girls... And people around her call her : “Cool and Spicy”. But honestly, she wants to be like the other girls but since she’s a big sister, she has to put on this kind of act...
And the story goes on and on...
Now, may I just say.... Ikuto is like the AWESOMESS!? And he just make you feel like going: ~KYAAA!~
On the other hand Tadase, is an ULTIMATE GAYLORD! YAY! CONGRATULATIONS! He takes gay to a WHOLE different level!
And Yoru just takes you to a WHOLE different level of CUTENESS!~
This is Amu:
This is Ikuto:
This is Yoru:
This is Kukai:
This is Nagihiko:
This is Nadeshiko:
This is Kairi:
This is Yaya:
This is Utau:
Now, Utau, kind of has a thing for Ikuto.. (Spoiler!) And It's REALLY gross because They're siblings! And in Ep 29 She KISSES him! Infront of Amu!
And finally, You have the Gaylord: Tadase:
(And he calls himself a man..)
In this anime, the characters defeat X eggs and such…
I strongly recommend that you watch this anime, as it has brought me GREAT pleasure.
I would rate this anime: 9.3
Signing off,

Monday 9 May 2011

My Drawings and more

Here are my drawings, that Lauren has been RAVING about. These are obviously from the anime: SHUGO CHARA!
I will soon be releasing an anime review on this anime. Also, if you would like us to review an anime for you, just comment below or, email us at:!
Don't forget we read EVERY email and

These drawings WERE NOT TRACED! The paper's too thick anyway for me to trace with, one time I was SO desperate to draw KYO, so I tried too trace. I KNOW IT'S A SIN! But that paper would NOT let me trace at all!

Beat That Anime,
Signing off.

Now for a list >:] Heh.

Yo! I'm bacccckkkk..
I am so obsessed with Ikuto. (Kyo went on a vacation ;])
Shalinn came in today with the BEST drawing of Ikuto and Amu today. Everyone, she is so pro.
Heh. Whereas, me, for example, is shit at drawing Ikuto.... But I did a good drawing of Haruhi Suzumiya, (I will be reviewing The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya, sometime soon).... Oh and Aoba Kozue from Mahoraba~Heartful Days. (Which one of us will review but we will decide soon <3). Anyway, to the point >.< I am now doing a TOP FIVE ANIME LIST. Shalinn will do one too ,, won't you Shalinn? >:]
Anyway, I just couldn't resist. Oh and this is the list for the present, not necessarily the future.
Here it is!!!!!

5. Skip Beat
4.Haruhi Suzumiya
3. Howls Moving Castle~ Movie but mehhh.
2. Fruits Basket
1. Shugo Chara.

Love you guys xxx
Signing off,
Lauren <3

Sunday 8 May 2011

Review-The World God Only Knows~S1.

Hello everyone!!
Yes, it's me Lauren, and I am back with a review!
For all those who have been waiting (and those who haven't) I will be reviewing an anime that is not very well known, but it is an anime none the less!
The World God Only Knows is about a boy named Keima, who is an ace at dating sims on his 'PFP'.
Keima stumbles upon a girl named Elsie(actually she was looking for him so..). She was sent from hell to look for 'The Divine One' a.k.a Keima. She tells him that she was sent to find him, as he would help her capture loose souls. Loose souls being souls that hide in people's body's who have a problem or don't think they are able to achieve something.
He is forced to help her, as she plants a purple collar on his neck, so if he doesn't help her, he'll die and so will she. (Yeah, that's a great way to solve anxiety Eh. ) Keima has to always 'outdo' himself to win the heart of 4 girls...
So so forth unfolds the funny, witty ,random story of Keima and Elsie.

I thought that this series of 13 episodes, was actually pretty good. I didnt expect the humor that would come out of the fact that Keima was only used to dating sim games, and had no sense with REAL girls, but as the series progresses, capturing looses souls gets harder, so he has to put his game up a bit. Even though Elsie is a little ditsy, and is no conparison to a devil or anything evil whatsoever, she still comes across as a flying girl o_o But I shall now stop blabbing and give you my rating.

6.75/10. :)
Place watched: Crunchyroll Application for I Pod touch/iPhone.
Signing off,
Lauren x <3

Introduction to Shalinn (But, you can call me Midget)

I see that Lauren's already introduced herself... As you can read, I am Shalinn, but you can call me Midget.
I am a BIG fan of anime, and I've been watching anime since I was six years old! Now, some of you readers may know me from my other blog, Beat That View.

Now my fellow readers, instead of bringing you guys coffee fixes, we will provide you with tons of anime fixes that will do the same job. As my fellow co-writer pointed out before, we will be providing you with anime reviews, updates, and EVERYTHING else!

And since Lauren and I are ALWAYS OBSESSED with Ikuto and Kyo, this will be a BIG PLUS for their fans.
We will constantly be talking about these fictional anime hotties.

Now, please, sit back, relax and absorb your DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY anime fix.

Signing off,

Introducing Me.

Hey everyone.!!!
Thankyou for coming to our blog!
I am Lauren!! I will be one of the writers on BeatThatAnime..
We will be rating, talking and reviewing lots of different animes.
(Oh and going on a rave over Ikuto(~KYA!~) and Kyo (~Bad Ass~). If you count that.)
My co-writer and friend, Shalinn, will also be writing.
As our love of anime soars above all the other crap in life.