Sunday 12 June 2011

I'm So Sorry!

I apologize for not writing as often as I would like to... I've been very busy... *ahem*... doing stuff..
I promise that I'll upload a ToraDora review soon! Though...
And also at the moment now... I'm melting!.. Why? Because While writing this.. I'm listening to Ikuto's god-like violin playing skills!!!~~~

And yesterday, I had a fabulous lunch!~ Let's see how my lunch was:

Yeah.. I had an AWESOME lunch. And after that I went to the optometrist to check my eyes and make new glasses!~ (I picked some pretty awesome glasses!~) Then we went into an Asian shop!~~
 Where they sold guess what?! Here was what I saw!:
 I so wanted to get some but it was WAY TOO expensive.. and I'm kinda broke...
So anyway... That's not the point! They reminded me of IKUTO!~ If only they were blue!~
And this little girl was staring at me while I was taking photos...

Yeah.. I'm weird that way!~~

So.. I apologize again for not updating sooner and I promise that I'll upload a ToraDora review sometime soon!

Until then... Sayonara!~~

Signing off,

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